Werewolf for Hire by Sue Denver

Werewolf for Hire by Sue Denver

Author:Sue Denver
Language: eng
Format: epub
ISBN: 9781736195390
Publisher: JGF Press


Bertie jerked to his feet, furious. Sara rose as well. She was standing about three feet in front of him.

“Think twice before you draw that gun of yours,” she said. “You already shot me once and it didn’t take. Don’t piss me off by doing it again.”

“You stupid bitch! Fletcher is important. Powerful. He could become President. You threw away a chance to…”

“Fletcher was a racist, elitist asshole who thought the laws don’t apply to him. I did the world a favor.”

“But… you could have…”

“Sucked up to him like you did? Enabled him?”

Bertie’s face was red. His right arm went under his coat.

“Last warning. Shoot me, and you’re dead.”

“No,” he said. “You’re dead.”

Bertie pulled his gun to kill her, but Sara had expected it. Maybe wanted it even.

She grabbed the barrel of the pistol with her right hand and jerked it up fast and hard, ripping his forefinger off the trigger. At the same, time her left hand closed around his throat. She pushed him back and up against a concrete wall and held him there as her right hand stuffed the gun in her jacket pocket. His feet were dangling off the ground.

“Big mistake, Bertie. You forgot about the most important question you asked me. Remember?”

Bertie struggled. He hit her in the head with his right fist, but it barely hurt. Because of the wall behind him, his punch could barely travel a foot before landing. A martial artist could have managed some strength in that short a punch, but it was obvious Bertie wasn’t one.

Sara cocked her eyebrow at him.

“Focus, Bertie. Remember what you asked me on the way here? No? Need a hint?”

She put her right hand in front of his face and twisted it around. She kept it human, but surely he hadn’t already forgotten the paw?

Sara shook her head.

“You deserve to die, just like your pal, Bertie. You walked into a room, saw what Fletcher had done, and shot the witness — me. Then you covered it all up for him.

“I must be some kind of soft bleeding-heart idiot because I gave you another chance. Which you failed.”

Sara increased the pressure of her left hand on his throat — to make sure he couldn’t cry out. Then she looked around just to be sure. And scented the air. They were alone here on this floor of the garage.

Sara started the transformation of her face only. Her mouth and her nose started moving forward in her face — in unison. Joining into a snout. Bertie’s eyes grew wide as her snout moved closer and closer to him. Once it was fully formed, Sara opened her jaws. She displayed all 42 of her gleaming white — long! — teeth.

Bertie panicked. He fought to get away with everything he had — twisting and punching. He even landed a truly pathetic kick. He tried to scream, but all that got past his constricted throat were whimpers and whines. When he could see it did no good, he stopped struggling and closed his eyes.


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